About me
So this is me: I’m a mother, a partner, in my forties, a physical therapist, a mindfulness & communication trainer… But is that all that I am?
All my life, that has been a question for me: is that all there is?
I love seeing the bigger picture, and so I’ve always been searching to see what else is out there: I’ve had different employers, found new places to live, and I’ve always loved making new connections with new people. What I wanted was to learn, to grow, to be a better person. And because of it I’m always in motion and learning new things.
Working as a physical therapist I felt as though the profession was too narrow. As with so many other things in my life, I knew there had to be a bigger picture when it comes to taking care of the body. It bothered me that physical therapy had such a scientific approach.
So much so that I switched to a corporate career. I had hoped to find a more people-oriented approach there, but soon discovered that this was far from the reality. And so I kept searching until I no longer had the strength to do so. I was too tired, stressed and anxious. But this turned out to be exactly the wake-up call that I needed.
I moved to Italy and decided to participate in the mentoring program run by the Professional Women’s Association of Milan, and to follow a Leadership Coaching program by a great coach. Both helped me find the courage to start with Body&Mind. And mindfulness has helped me tremendously in the process. It made me realize that I’d been searching for the bigger picture my whole life, literally traveling the world to find answers. While in truth, the bigger picture didn’t have anything to do with where I lived or worked. Because the peace that I was searching for, the feeling of being at ease with the way things are and the feeling of belonging somewhere, were already there, all I had to do was look inside. All there is was already inside me.
I create my own reality and make my own choices. It’s my choice to stay or to go, to change or not change. Knowing that I have that choice brings me inner peace. The more I started practicing Mindfulness the more I realized that everything happens in this very moment. And before you know it, that moment has passed. It’s our mind that likes to entertain things long after the moment itself has passed.
This realization has made my life much lighter! With Body&Mind it all comes together. I’m no longer searching for ‘all there is’ but working with all there is, Body and Mind. Nothing brings me more joy than helping women who are going through the same process. Women like me, mothers, partners, often busy, who have little peace and quiet but are now asking themselves: is this all there is? I want to show them what I’ve experienced for myself: that all there is, is already inside us, in our body and mind. I want other women to experience that inner peace from being so much more at ease in the moment. For all the women still asking themselves: is my life as I’m living it now all there is? With Body&Mind I give you your answer.
My dream is to create a world where you can experience how it feels to live with more focus, to live more in the HERE and NOW, with less stress, less mind-centred and so much more heart-centred: a world where you are at ease in the moment, wherever you are, wherever you live, whatever you are doing!